Saturday 12-22-18 Workout Of The Day THE STARKE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS…
It’s the most wonderful time of year again, time for the 12 days of Christmas!
This workout is scheduled for 90 minutes because it may take that long to conquer it. You have two options to slay this workout. You can A. Try to take on the 12 Days yourself or B. You can team up with a partner and “share the load” of the workout trading off anytime you like. If you’re a newer athlete I would suggest pairing up with someone and attacking it that way. If you’re a veteran who has taken on the twelve days in the past then it’s time for you to revisit the beast…
Here are some pointers to keep in mind.
- During warmup, coaches will be getting you to hit all the movements to make sure you’re comfortable with the loading and movements.
- This workout is a lot of reps and not a nice one to “bring a friend from out of town” to. That is unless they do CrossFit already.
- This is a long workout it’s 364 repetitions and you’re only at the halfway point when you Get into the middle of round 10.
- People will mess this up but I’m going to go over it anyways and so will your coaches. The workout goes exactly like the song. On the first day of Christmas, you do one deadlift. On the second day of Christmas, you do two muscle ups and one deadlift. On the third day of Christmas, you do three heavy KBS, two muscle ups, and one deadlift. On the fourth day of Christmas, you do four front squats, three heavy KBS, two muscle ups, and one deadlift. Does that make sense?
Starke CrossFit RX Option
1 Deadlift 225/315#
2 Muscle Ups (or ring dips)
3 KBS 80/100
4 Front Squats 95/135#
6 C&J 95/135#
7 Push Ups
8 Pull-ups
9 T2B
10 OHS 95/135#
11 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees
12 Snatch 95/135#
Starke CrossFit “Fitness” Option
1 Deadlift 155/225#
2 KB Clean & Push Press/Push Jerk 30/50#
3 Front Squats 65/95 or 30/50# KB’s
4 Ring Dips/Bench Dips
5 Pull Ups
6 Box Jumps 16/20″
7 Burpees
8 Push Ups
9 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10′
10 KBS 60/80#
11 Med Ball Cleans 14/20#
12 BB Thrusters 65/95# Or KB’s 30/50#
This workout goes just like the song. On the first day of Christmas, you do one deadlift. On the second day of Christmas, you do two muscle ups and one deadlift. On the third day of Christmas, you do three kettlebell swings, two muscle ups, and one deadlift. Get it, get it???