Starke Sweat Monday July 15th – Friday July 19th 2024

Starke Sweat Monday July 15th – Friday July 19th 2024

Monday 7-15-24

5 Rounds of…
10 Alt Gorilla Rows
8 Cleans
6 Front Squats
4 Push Press
150m Run
Rest 2 min

Core work, Coach’s choice

Part A. Is all double bell work. Pick weights that will be challenging but doable for all five rounds. You’ll get two minutes at the end of each round so push the pace and enjoy the rest 🙂

Tuesday 7-16-24

EMOM – 16 (16 min)
Odd: 6-8 Barbell Bench Press
Even: 8-10 Dbl KB Deadlifts 

AMRAP – 12
15 Wall Balls
8/10 Kcal Ski 
5 Box Over Burpees

Part A. Is strength work between two movements. Choose challenging weights that will allow you to recover between movements.

Part B. Is a quick AMRAP with three movements. Set the pace and keep moving but pace yourself accordingly so you’ve got something left for the end.

Wednesday 7-17-24

Circuit – 25
10 Walking DB Lunges
6-8 Pull Ups
10 Goblet Squat Jumps
8 Alt Renegade Rows (with push-up)
1 Sled Push

AMRAP – 10
In teams of two…
45/50 Kcal ECHO
Then AMRAP as many burpee pull ups or burpees to a target with the remaining time.

*45 Kcal for team of two females
*50 Kcal for mixed teams or team of two males

Part A. Is a circuit style workout. If you choose to go heavier, you’ll get less rounds in and need more rest. If you choose to go lighter you get more rounds in and get to work a little more consistently.

Part B. Is a little hammer fest with a partner. Push the pace on the bike and continue to the pull up bar for burpee pull ups or burpees to target.

Thursday 7-18-24

In teams of two…
“Downhill Battle” (cap 35)
100 Alternating DB Snatches 35/50#~
90 Kcal C2
80 HLR / T2B
70 Kcal Row
60 Dbl. DB Squat Cleans*
50 Kcal Ski
40 Dbl DB S2OH
30 Kcal ECHO
20 Dbl. DB Burpees
10 Kcal ECHO

*Front head of the DB touches the ground for each rep

Partner up for this downhill battle. With only one person working at a time, chip away at the above workout. If C2 bikes are all in use when you get to them, hit up the row for 70 kcal’s then go back to the C2 bike for 90 kcals after the HLR/T2B

Friday 7-19-24

EMOM – 16
5 Chin Ups
5 Alt. DB Chest Press (5/side)
5 Split stance DL / Leg
5 Dips (ring box or bench)

*Add more weight or a tempo of 3121 if 5 reps is “easy”

3 Rounds of…
4:00 work 2:00 rest (16 min)
Run 400m
Max DB or KB Thrusters in the remaining time.

RX: 30/40#
Int: 25/35#
Beg: 20/30# +/-

Part A is a strength EMOM with four movements. If five reps is “easy” go heavier OR add a tempo for more time under tension.

Part B. is a quick paced workout with a run and thrusters. As the legs get a little more fatigued each round, you’ll need to fight for additional reps.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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