Thursday 2-24-22 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 2-24-22 Workout Of The Day A. E3M x 5 Bella Complex: 1 Clean 1 S2OH 1 Front Squat 1 S2OH Today we get to “play” with the Bella complex. You can receive the clean in a power or squat position, the S2OH can be power or split jerk (do what...

Wednesday 2-23-22 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 2-23-22 Workout Of The Day A. E90 – 16 Odd Rounds: 3-5 Heavy Deadlift Even Rounds: 3-5 Strict HSPU / Pike Push Ups / Strict Press Go heavy and get some recovery! Build to and find your starting weight then continue to build through your working sets if...

Tuesday 2-22-22 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 2-22-22 Workout Of The Day 3 Rounds of… 4:00 Work 2:00 Rest 100 DU’s or Single Skips 50 KBS Max Wall Balls in remaining time… Rest 3 Min 3 Rounds of… 4:00 Work 2:00 Rest 20 T2B 10 Burpee Box Overs Max Kcal ECHO or Ski in remaining...

Sunday 2-20-22 Workout Of The Day

Sunday 2-20-22 Workout Of The Day 30 Min Grinder 5 KB Press to windmill / side 10 KB Deadlifts + Loaded carry from garage door to turf and back (heavy) 8-10 Dips (ring, box, bench) 6-8 Weighted deficit back lunges / leg 2 x Heavy Sled Push Sunday’s are for...

Saturday 2-19-22 Workout Of The Day

Saturday 2-19-22 Workout Of The Day 35 Min Partner AMRAP You go I go… “Sledgehammer” 5 HSPU / Push press 6 Power Cleans 7 Front Squats 8/10 Kcal ECHO RX: 95/135# Intermediate: 65/95# Beginner: 55/75# Today’s workout is a gas pedal workout. Go...