Saturday 8-27-22 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Paul! Thank you for the hard work you put in everyday for the gym and our community. And for how much you care about making us all better than yesterday. Part A: 20 mins to build to a heavy: 2 deadlifts + 1 clean Part B: For time with a partner: 1980m...

Friday 8-26-22 Workout Of The Day

Friday 8-26-22 Workout Of The Day EMOM – 30 Minutes 1-10 1 C&J + 30 Double Unders Minutes 11-20 1 Clean & Jerk + 10 Push Ups Minutes 21-30 1 Clean & Jerk + 15 Sit Ups Today’s workout is an EMOM with two movements in one minute. The goal is to...

Thursday 8-25-22 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 8-25-22 Workout Of The Day A. 3 Rounds of 3:00 Work 1:30 Rest 7/10 Kcal ECHO 8 OH KBS 6 Ring Dips Rest 3:00 Between Rounds B. 3 Rounds of 3:00 Work 1:30 Rest 7/10 Kcal Ski 8 Dbl. Bell Back Lunges 6 Dbl. Bell C&J RX: 35/50# Intermediate: 30/40# Beginner:...

Wednesday 8-24-22 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 8-24-22 Workout Of The Day A. E2:30 – 6 (15 min) 1 Squat Clean + 2 Hang Squat Cleans Build to and through your sets of hang squat cleans. If you don’t have an ideal front rack position, perform the movement with Kettlebells for 5 reps each round....

Tuesday 8-22-22 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 8-22-22 Workout Of The Day AMRAP – 30 “Hickory Dickory Squat” Run 400m 10 C&J 8 T2B 6 BB Back Squats 4 Bar Facing Burpees 2 Ring Muscle Ups* RX: 95/135# Intermediate: 85/115# Beginner: 65/95#+/- *2 C2B pull-ups or pull-ups & 2 dips...