Friday 01-10-20 Workout Of the Day 

Attention members!!!!
Please note that this Saturday, January 11th, we are hosting 2 community fundraising WODs for Reese Ketler, thus the schedule has been modified as follows:

9:00am – 10:30am “Give a Piece to Reese” (Kraus)
10:30am – 12pm Weightlifting/Open Gym
12pm-1:30pm “Give a Piece to Reese” (Ali)

The 9am and noon classes will be 90 minutes. These classes are not visible to members in ZenPlanner, so the links to sign up can be found below! Family, friends, and members alike are welcome to attend; no experience is necessary. There is no cost for the workout- donations will be collected that will be given directly to Reese and his family. A full description of the event and information about Reese can be found on our social media accounts, or at the following link: (

We are fortunate to have White Lion donating an awesome prize pack that we will be selling raffle tickets for. In addition, Cranked Energy has graciously donated cranked bars for everyone participating! We will also be selling $10 tickets for members to be entered into a draw to win their February membership for FREE! Coffee and treats will be supplied as well. We invite you to come on out and sweat it out for a great cause! ALL proceeds will be donated to the Ketlers to assist in Reese’s recovery. Several members of Reese’s family will be at the event on Saturday!

Hope to see you all there!

Sign up here:

Friday 01-10-20 Workout Of the Day

A. 5×3 OHS
from rack

B. 5 RFT
15/12 cal row
10 OHS (from ground)
5 burpee pullups

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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