Friday 05/05/2023 Workout Of the Day

Friday 05/05/2023 Workout Of the Day

A. Back Squats

B. For time:
50 anchored sit ups
40 box jumps @20/24″
30 back squat jumps @65/95#
20 pullups
10 bar facing burpees

Workout Notes: Part A will be done from the rack. Build to a challenging set of 5 and hit 5 sets at that weight. You should want to sit down and take 2 minutes of rest between each set. Coaches will set up the clock to have everyone going every 3:30.

Part B is a short metcon, one round for time. Finish off strong with a quick set of bar facing burpees!

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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