Friday 06-05-2020 Workout Of the Day
A. 5 sets NFT
10 heavy alt. front rack lunge
5 ring dips
B. For time: @65/95#
BB front rack lunges (per side)
*30 DU after each round
Workout Notes/Intentions:
For Part A, lunges should be challenging; you may choose to build as you go throughout the 5 sets. You will be doing them on the spot alternating (not walking) and cleaning from the floor each set. Ring dips can be subbed for pushups, box/band assisted dips or box dips. Add weight for challenge. If you are easing back into fitness, you do not need to go heavy’ stick with an empty or light bar.
Part B is a descending ladder. Weight should allow for reps to be done in in 1-2 sets in the earlier rounds. From about 6 down to 1, aim for unbroken. Choose weight accordingly. You may opt for lunges with no weight.