Friday 10-06-23 Workout Of The Day

Friday 10-06-23 Workout Of The Day

E3M – 5 
3 Strict Press + 3 Push Press + 3 Push Jerks 

AMRAP – 15

8-10 Kcal ECHO
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20/24” +/-
8 Dbl. KB Clean & Jerks 35/50 +/-

Workout Notes: Part A. Is from the rack. If you can use a Barbell use one, otherwise use kettlebells or DB’s if you don’t have a good front rack position. Use this workout to build weight and work on technique and the ability to switch gears to another movement when needed.

Part B is a triplet. Movements should be quick and consistent and your kettlebell clean and jerks should be unbroken. Choose a weight you’ll be able to perform eight double bell, clean and jerks under fatigue.

people working out in a group fitness class


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