Friday 10-08-2021 Workout Of the Day

Friday 10-08-2021 Workout Of the Day

A. Front Squats
5 x 4 @33×1

B. For time:
100 jumping lunges
75 wallballs @14/20#
50 t2b
25 front squats @65/95#

Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A will be done from the rack. Last week we did this same tempo, but it was 5 reps. This week we are doing 4 reps so you should be going heavier than last week. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Part B is a short metcon. Jumping lunges are total reps, try to hit bigger sets right at the start. Rest as needed, but if you start with jumping lunges, you cannot switch to regular stepping lunges just because you are tired! Stick with it. Break up the wallballs however is needed. Do quick sets of 10 if you are getting tired. Chip away at the toes to bar or hanging leg raises. Finally, the workout finishes with 25 front squats. The weight is light- you should be able to do those squats in 1-2 sets. Push hard at the end and try to go unbroken!

people working out in a group fitness class


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