Friday 10-14-22 Workout Of The Day
“Hit And Run”
In teams of two for alternating rounds…
7/10 Kcal ECHO
8 Dbl. KB Snatches
6 Dbl. Bell Lunges
4 Dbl. Bell Front Squats
2 Bar Muscle Ups (Or burpee pull ups)
RX: 30/40#
Intermediate: 25/35#
Beginner: 20/30# +/-
Today’s workout is one of those partner workouts but not really. They won’t be able to save you if you need help 🙂 Partner one should finish a full round before person two begins. Pick a weight you can go unbroken on your snatches, lunges and squats without putting the weights down. Person two will start on the bike as soon as person one finishes their second muscle up or burpee pull up. The bikes will be set up by the whiteboard and participants will work their way towards the pull ups rig as they move through the round. After the muscle up or burpee pull ups, pick up your bells and head back to the bike so you’re ready to go for the next round. Rounds should be around 2:00 – 2:20 so modify appropriately.