Friday 11-17-23 Workout Of The Day

Friday 11-17-23 Workout Of The Day

“All Day”
30 Rounds For Time (cap 35)
1 Power Clean (choose a weight) 125/185# 110/155# 95/135# 85/115# 65/95#
3 HSPU or DB/KB Push Press (DB/KB @ 30/40# +/-)
5 KBS 35/50#

As a soloist with a 35 min cap OR in teams of two AMRAP style (alternating rounds for 35 min),
perform 1 over clean 3 HSPU or Push ups or DB/KB Push Press.

Your power clean should be a heavy weight, but something repeatable that can be done over and over again. The above weights are options and the weight you begin with should be the same throughout the workout.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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