Friday 12-15-23 Workout Of The Day
3 Rounds of
4:00 work & 1:30 rest
12/15 Kcal Row
10 KB Snatches (5/side) 35/50# +/-
10 KBS 35/50# +/-
10 Box Jump Overs
Rest 3:00
3 Rounds of
4:00 work & 1:30 rest
12/15 Kcal Ski
10 Pull Ups
10 Dbl. KB Thrusters 30/40# +/-
10 Ring / Box Dips
Loading for part A. and part B. are slightly different as you’ll be using two kettlebells in part B.
Today’s workout is four minutes on and 90 seconds of rest. Pick weights and methods that will keep you moving and don’t forget to enjoy your rest periods 🙂
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