There will be NO open gym today at 3:30pm as we will be testing one of the Power On The Prairies workouts off-site at 1:30pm. If you’re NOT competing in POP 2019 and would like to be a test subject, please let Paul know by emailing before 12:30pm

Today we “get” to do a birthday WOD for Coach Ali and help her celebrate with A LOT of squats…

We’ve done this workout for years and my best memory of it was at the old gym probably four years ago where Ali wanted to do the workout and was almost in tears when she finished grinding her way through front squats @ 65lbs 🙂

You’ve come a long way Ali and we’re proud to have you with us.

Happy birthday young lady!!!

Friday 3-01-19


3 RFT 

25 Wall Balls 

10 T2B

20 BB Front Squats 65/95#

5 min recovery


25 Wall Balls 

10 T2B

20 BB Front Squats 65/95#