Friday 4-08-22 Workout Of The Day

Friday 4-08-22 Workout Of The Day

In teams of two with a 30 min cap…
Buy In 3000m Row (switching every 500m)
Then AMRAP alternating full rounds with the remaining time
18 Wall Balls
14 Singe DB OH or Front rack walking Lunges (7&7)
10 Chin Ups / Ring Rows
6 Devils Press

RX: 35/50#
Intermediate: 30/40#
Beginner: 20/30# +/-

Saddle up and get to work. Today’s partner workout won’t be much work together except on the row. Your work/rest period should be a 1:1 work rest ratio. Modify movements as needed. Transitions should be quick and reps should be unbroken.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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