Friday 4-22-22 Workout Of The Day

E2:30 – 9 (22.5min)
Front Squat 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5

We’ve got some waves in todays squat session. We will all build to a heavy five reps then begin. Every two minutes and thirty seconds you’ll hit your next set which will be one rep less and a little heavier. As we increase the reps on the back side of this pyramid, try to go a little heavier than the front side.

AMRAP – 10
10 KB Squat Cleans (5&5)
4 Shuttle Runs

RX: 35/50#
Intermediate: 30/40#
Beginner: 20/30# +/-

Today’s metcon will be short and sweet and all you need is one kettlebell. Swings can be shoulder height or overhead if you don’t have any limitations. KB squat cleans will be from the ground for each rep and can be done 5/side (not alternating). Shuttle runs will be from wall to garage door TOUCHING each side as you go.