Friday 4-29-22 Workout Of The Day

Friday 4-29-22 Workout Of The Day

6 Rounds for Time w. Time Cap @ 38 Min
“Ghost Rider”
10 Body Weight Back Squats +/-
6 Ring Muscle Ups OR Ring Dips
16/20 Kcal Echo / Ski (alternate each round)
10 Burpee Pull Ups
6 Box Over Burpees 24/30″

Body weight back squats should be cleaned from the ground if possible for more advanced athletes and from the rack for newer athletes. Double KB squats or goblet squats may be performed instead of the Back squats if needed. Modify movements so they can be performed in one to two sets.

Friday 4-29-22 Workout Of The Day

Friday 4-29-22 Workout Of The Day

6 Rounds for Time w. Time Cap @ 38 Min
“Ghost Rider”
10 Body Weight Back Squats +/-
6 Ring Muscle Ups OR Ring Dips
16/20 Kcal Echo / Ski (alternate each round)
10 Burpee Pull Ups
6 Box Over Burpees 24/30″

Body weight back squats should be cleaned from the ground if possible for more advanced athletes and from the rack for newer athletes. Double KB squats or goblet squats may be performed instead of the Back squats if needed. Modify movements so they can be performed in one to two sets.

people working out in a group fitness class


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