Friday 6-17-22 Workout Of The Day

Friday 6-17-22 Workout Of The Day

GYM NEWS: Tomorrow is our final In-house competition at Starke 2.0. We’re looking forward to having everyone out to participate in this event. The first event kicks off at 9am and doors will open at 8:15 to come in and warm up. The workouts are set and you’ll have a great time if you’re a new member or a veteran Starke athlete. If you’re hitting today’s workout take it easier and just move. You’ll get plenty of fitness tomorrow 🙂

Make sure to bring some food for the day to keep you fuelled up and ready to rock.

Please let us know if you have any questions or if you’re looking for a last minute partner.

See you at the gym!

EMOM – 25

1. 16 Wall Balls
2. 8-10 Box Over Burpees
3. 6-8 Devils Press (RX:35/55# Intermediate:30/40# Beginner: 20/30#)
4. 1-2 Rope Climbs/Pegboard ascent or 6 chin-ups / ring rows
5. 10/15 Kcal Ski

Today’s EMOM is has som “fun” variety in it. Find your weights and variations ant try to maintain 20 seconds of rest at the end of every round.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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