Friday 6-21-24 Workout Of The Day

Friday 6-21-24 Workout Of The Day

E2:30 – 5
Front Squats 5-4-3-2-1-1-1* (17:30)

“Lean & Mean” (cap – 18) 

Toes to Bar / HLR / Sit Ups
Front Squats 85/115#
Kcal Row

* Give athletes the option of front, back, goblet or Dbl. Bell squats.
**Front squats can be substituted for KB goblet or or DB squats for newer members

Today’s workout is about going heavier with the front squat. If a member doesn’t have a great front rack positon, use one of the above options and perform 5 rounds of five reps.

In part 1, we are moving into our “build to a heavy” week. This allows athletes to find their 1RM after the 12 week strength cycle we have been following. In part 2, We’ve got a midline hefty triplet today and it’s a fun one! We’re going to feel pretty good through our first couple of rounds of work, but the workout starts to set in somewhere around the round of 12 reps. How well can you hang on to your pace and sets when the grind really begins?

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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