Friday 7-26-24 Workout Of The Day

Friday 7-26-24 Max

E3M – 6
Back Squat 5-3-1-1-1-1

For Time
Thrusters & Bar Over Burpees

Directly Into

Hang Power Cleans & Kcal Echo

Today you have a chance to max out your back squat. Use the numbers and  percentages we’ve been using for the past several weeks to warm up and find your heavy single. Make sure you have a spotter if needed AND know how to bail from your bar as needed. Communication between you and your spotter is extremely important when it comes to PR attempts and the spotter should only be there to assist with your lift when you get to your sticking point NOT take the full load of the bar off of you.

Patt B is a a little 21-5-9 and 9-15-2 action with thrusters, burpees, cleans and Kcal’s on the ECHO bike. Pace the first part of the workout as the second is ascending. The BB movements will be quicker in the second half but the ECHO could get tougher if you go out too hot… Choose a weight you can perform your thrusters in 1-2 sets on your round of 21 & 15 and the rest should be golden!

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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