Friday 8-02-24 Workout Of The Day
E75 – 15 (18.75 min)
1. 5-6 Strict BB Press (from the ground)
2. 10-12 Alt Gorilla Rows
3. 5-6 Dbl. Bell Front Squats (KB preferably)
6 Rounds For Time
“Torture Testr”
8/10 Kcal ECHO
10 BB Walking Front Rack Lunges*
*Substitute kettlebells for walking lunges if you struggle with a barbell in your front rack position.
Barbell Weight
RX: 85/115#
Int: 65/95#
Beg: 55/75#~
Today’s workout is a little strict strength work for part A on a 75 second clock. Go heavy-ish and challenge yourself appropriately. You should get a 45~ seconds rest / transition time each round.
Part B. is a six rounds for time pace yourself to keep moving and don’t pick up your barbell after the bike until you know you can do your 10 walking lunges unbroken.
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