Friday 9-02-22 Workout Of The Day
Happy Birthday Coach Nat! Today is a “special” day with a lot of reps ahead of us 🙂 We’re lucky to have such a great and caring coach who walks the walk and talks the talk with us.
Have a great birthday Nat and enjoy your birthday workout with friends!
AMRAP – 10
15 Kcal Ski
15 Burpees
15 Pull Ups
Rest 3 Minutes
AMRAP – 10
15 Kcal ECHO
15 Dbl. DB Snatches RX: 30/40# Int: 25/35# Beg: 20/30# +/-
15 Box Jumps
For Time 45 Kcal C2 bike
5 Rounds of…
45 Sec. Sit Ups
5 Sec. transition
45 Sec. Plank