Monday 06-01-2020 Workout Of the Day

We’ve been waiting for this day for a long time! We’re so excited to welcome members back to Starke after the shutdown. We’ve made a lot of changes and efforts to be able to open and  keep Starke safe and healthy for everyone. Things will be different, but we can ensure you the workouts, energy, and community will be amazing (even without the post-WOD fist bumps).

Please note moving forward, due to the need for distancing, proper sanitizing, and not sharing equipment during sessions, workouts comprised of two parts will often be done by half of the class at a time. 6 people will do part A while 6 people do part B, and then they will switch and athletes will do the component they have not yet completed. This should allow for cleaning equipment between uses and allow for the proper distance of 6m to be maintained by all people at all times. This may mean that on some days you end up doing strength-based portions (part A) second, after conditioning based portions (part B). Your coach will help with the organization and flow of workouts. This will allow everyone to be able to experience varied, challenging and fun workouts while doing so safely!

One final reminder that is important to consider is your level of activity in the past 2.5 months. If you have not been training with the same volume and/or intensity, returning to workouts at Starke will be a significant adjustment for your body. When choosing weights and variations, be mindful and conscious of this; choose minimal weight (or even bodyweight for the first week or so), lower the reps or rounds if needed. Allow your body time to acclimate to the intensity and volume of our workouts by easing back in.

Monday 06-01-2020 Workout Of the Day

A. 15 min AMRAP
20/15 cal row
15 front squats
10 pullups

rest 5:00+

B. 15 min AMRAP
20 box jumps
15 hang power cleans
10 lateral bar burpees

Workout Notes/Intentions:
*Half the class will begin on AMRAP A, half will begin on AMRAP B. 5 minutes of rest will allow recovery time as well as time to clean pullup bars and rowers for the next group. Once athletes are organized and bars/rowers have been sanitized adequately, the second AMRAP can begin. Coach will assist with workout flow. Aim for variations that allow you to move fairly quickly and smoothly; breaking barbell movements into 1 or 2 sets. Goal is 4+ rounds for each AMRAP.



people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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