Monday 02-05-24 Workout Of The Day

Monday 02-05-24 Workout Of The Day

EMOM – 6

1-2 Squat cleans

E4M – 3

5 Squat cleans (65%, 75% 85%)

For time
25 Power cleans
24/30 Kcal ECHO 

RX: 95/135#
Int: 85/115#
Beg: 65/95# +/-

Today we build on our clean cycle. Use part A as an opportunity to work on clean technique and building to a starting weight for part B.

Part B. Perform five single squat cleans on a four minute clock. Use the percentages above as a guideline for each round. If you haven’t been following percentages, go by feel for the day. For your first set of five you should aim to hit them at 65% of your 1RM squat clean and aim to perform your reps within 10-20 seconds as the reps get heavier each round through.

Part C is a short sprint of a workout. Perform 25 cleans directly into Kcals on the ECHO bike. This is only one round so push the pace till you see a few stars at the finish line 🙂 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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