Monday 02-17-20 Family Day WOD

Happy family day everyone!

Hopefully you’re enjoying this long weekend and geting in some down time and quality time with your family. If you’re not, you still have one more day to make it happen.

Enjoy todays workout and the rest of your day along with it!

Monday 02-17-20 Family Day WOD

In 20 Minutes

Build to your heaviest TWO TNG deadlifts.

For Time

“Quality Time”

In teams of three (One person working, one person holding, one person resting)

100 HSPU or Push Press & Front Rack Double KB Hold @ 35/50#
100 T2B / HLR & Hollow Hold
100 Kcal Bike & plank on hands or Row & Hip bridge (if you do bike the first round do the row later on and vice versa)
100 C2B/Pull Ups/Ring Rows & Superman hold (ground)
100 Front Squats 95/135# & Hollow hold on Rings
100 Kcal Bike & plank on hands or Row & Hip bridge (if you do bike the first round do the row later on and vice versa)
100 Box Jumps or step ups & Handstand hold (or double bell OH hold)
100 Push Ups & Deadhang hold from pull up bar

WOD Notes
*Only one athlete may be working at a time
*The working athlete should only start working when the “holding” partner is in position and is in the ready position.
*Count repetitions cumulatively as a team

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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