Monday 04-27-20
GYM NEWS: Hopefully everyone had a great weekend and got some sun and fitness in. We can’t believe that we’re already at the end of April. Hopefully everyone is staying safe and healthy. We’ve got our fingers crossed for the ability to reopen with safety measures in place in early June.
I (Paul) had a meeting with a liaison for the Premier late last week and discussed how smaller boutique style gyms were different than massive globo gyms and how we have the ability to control class sizes, structure, flow and maintain social distancing practiced within the gym. We hope to hear back about it soon to see what the response is from the province and what questions and concerns they might have are.
We hope you’re all doing great and miss seeing your faces in classes.
Take care and stay safe and we hope to see you all back in here SOON!!!
The Starke Team.
E3M – 8
“Lungs and Tongues”
10 C&J (BB, KB, DB)
10 Box Jumps / Step-Ups
8/10 Kcal Bike or 12/14 Rower or 75 Single Unders or 50 Double Unders or 30 Toe Taps
WORKOUT NOTES: For todays workout you should aim to get about 40 seconds of rest each round. Each round should be doable and not take you to the edge. We will be hitting several progressive warm up rounds prior to beginning the workout so you’ll have an idea on what weight and how many reps and Kcal or skips you should be aiming for.