Monday 05-25-20 Starke HomeFit

Monday 05-25-20

Gym News: Happy Monday everyone. Well after over two months of lock down, one week from today we’ll be running classes at Starke once again. It feels like it’s been a while but at the same time it feels like it was  ablink of an eye… We know there are going to be some changes and we’re working through all of them during this time.

We’ll have an email going out this week with some of the changes we’re making to keep everyone safe and healthy. This will take a group effort and we’re looking forward to working with everyone to make a stong comeback all around.

With the return of classes our equipment rentals will need to be returned. A specific email will go out to members who have rented equipment and there will be times to drop off equipment all week. We thank you for your support durign this time by helping us to create some extra revenue sources and pay some bills while providing services has been limited. It’s been a crazy couple months and we’re happy to have been talking with people throughout and hearing that everyone has stayed safe and healthy.

We’ve got a lot going on over the next week in preparation of reopening and we’re excited to keep the Starke Gain Train rolling.

To help us create a reopening schedule, please take two minutes to fill out this quick survey which will allow us to get an idea of when to run classes based on your responses. We’ll need to put a 30 min buffer between classes to allow for cleaning and sanitization of equipment along with keeping numbers in the building down. Based on our occupancy, we can still have 50 people in the gym at once but that won’t be when working out and we want to keep the number to half that or less. If you have concerns in the survey and want to be contacted please drop your name in there and we’ll reach out to you if desired.

8 RFT – “Maveric” @ 65/95#
30 Double Unders
15 Hang Power Cleans
12 T2B
9 Front Squats
6 S2OH
3 Strict Pull Ups
Rest 30 Sec.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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