Monday 06/05/2023 Workout Of the Day
A. E2:00 x 6 sets
1 power clean + 1 squat clean + 1 jerk
B. For Time:
500m row (buy-in)
hang squat cleans
RX: 65/95#
Int: 55/75#
Beg: 35/45#
Workout Notes: The cleans for Part A will be done from the floor if possible- newer athletes can go from the hang position. Build to a challenging weight to begin your working sets. You can add weight as you progress as well. Split or Push jerk can be done for the jerk.
Part B begins with a 500m row buy-in. After the initial 500m row, you do not use the rower again. Then you will complete the descending couplet of hang squat cleans and t2b or variation. Choose a weight that you can do most sets unbroken- the 9-6-3 should be unbroken.