Monday 11-13-17 Workout Of The Day
CrossFit EMOM
25 Min EMOM
5 Strict HSPU
10 Hang Power Cleans 85/115#
5 Strict C2B Pull Ups
10 Back Lunges (Front Rack) 25/40#
5 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (hang squat clean followed by a thruster for all five reps)
Fitness EMOM
25 Min EMOM
5 Pike Push Ups
10vDouble Bell Cleans 25/40#
5 Pull Ups @ 31×1
10 Double Bell Lunges (Front Rack) 25/40#
5 Double Bell Clean & Thruster (clean followed by a thruster for all five reps)
24 Min EMOM
Min 1. 4×50′ Sled Sprint
Min 2. 10/14 Kcal Row (scale as necessary)
Min 3. 15 Kettlebell Squat Jumps 25/40#
Min 4. 10/14 Kcal Row (scale as necessary)
Min 5. 6 x 50′ Shuttle Runs
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