Monday 11-21-22 Workout Of The Day
E2:30 – 6
3 Position Snatch (high hang, mid hang (just above the knee), ground).
Part A. Is all about the snatch. We will be focusing on snatching from three different positions. The high hang allows for the least amount of momentum so it should force you to use your legs as much as possible to “jump” the bar overhead. You can receive this in a power or squat position depending on weight, mobility and speed. Mid hang you’ll get a little more momentum with and you should be able to go a bit heavier with this variation. Receive the bar in the power or squat position depending on the weight being used and your mobility. The last pull is from the ground. This option you’ll have a lot more room to gain momentum BUT there’s more room for error as pulling from the ground requires more consistency to getting the bar overhead and maintain a good bar path. If you’re newer or want to work on technique, stay lighter and work on consistency.
If going overhead is not a good option for you, perform the clean version of the movement.
For Time
“Stump Jumper”
Power Snatches
Back Squat Jumps
*Cash Out 14/20 Kcal ECHO Bike
RX: 65/95#
Intermediate: 55/75#
Beginner: 35/45#
Today’s workout should be quick and consistent. Snatches should be done in 2-3 sets for your round of 21, 2 sets for your round of 15 and unbroken on your round of 9. After your last snatch you should be able to receive the bar on your back and go into your back squat Jumps. These should all be unbroken. Rest at the top if needed.
Once you finish your round of 9, jump onto the ECHO for a finishing sprint of 14 and 20 kcal.