Monday 12-11-23 Workout Of The Day

Monday 12-11-23 Workout Of The Day

E4M – 3
5-3-1+ Front Squat
5 Dbl. KB Strict Press (seated)

AMRAP – 15
5 Front Squats
5 Db. KB clean (gnd) and strict press
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Strict Ring Dips

RX: 110/155#
Int: 95/135#
Beg: 65/95# +/-

Today we build on our final set of 531 for our front squats. Recommendations for the build through your three sets are as follows 1 set of 5 reps at 75%, 1 set of 3 reps at 85%, and 1 set of 1+ reps (aim for as many reps as possible) at 95% of your 1RM. 

We WILL be doing a final test week next week Tuesday and Friday to find a solid heavy single before the holidays. This should lead to a brand new PR for many of you who have been following the squat program for the past few months. The workout will be five attempts at a heavy single on a three minute clock next Tuesday for front squats and Friday for back squats. 

Part B today is an AMRAP but in a strict fashion. Find a challenging weight for your five front squats and challenging waits for your Double kettlebell, clean and press from the ground, strict pull ups and strict ring dips.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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