Monday 2-18-19 “Team Workout”

Monday 2-18-19

Happy Monday everyone. We’ve got a “fun” team workout today for the holiday. Team workouts are always a great way to get out, work your A$$ off and break a sweat with friends.

If you’re questioning coming for the workout the answer is YES!!! Please sign up so we have an idea of whos coming down how to structure things.


20 Minute Time Cap

Build to a 1RM Squat Clean (or front squat if you missed testing on Friday)


1RFT In Teams Of Three… One working, one active hold, one resting….

“Request Line”

1000m Row (double bell hold in rack pos. @ 35/50#)

100 C2B / Pull-Ups / Ring Rows (hollow hold)

100 Front Squats @ 95/135# (plank hold @ top of push-up pos.)

1000m Row (double bell hold in rack pos. @ 35/50#)

100 T2B (Deadlift hold @ 130/185#)

100 Box Over Burpees @ 20/24″ (handstand hold)

1000m Row (double bell hold in rack pos. @ 35/50#)


people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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