Monday 2-25-22 Workout Of the Day

Monday 2-25-22 Workout Of the Day

“Rum Runner”
4 Rounds of…
20 Wall Balls (on turf)
16/20 Kcal Row
5 BB Power Cleans + 5 Front Squats
16/20 Kcal Ski
15 Push Ups + 15 Box Jumps
16/20 Kcal ECHO
Rest 2 Min

RX: 105/155#
Intermediate: 85/135#
Beginner: 65/95 +/-

Today you’ll be running from anyone you share your lane with. All equipment should be set up in order of exercise from turf to garage door. Chip away at each movement before moving on to the next. Check your time at the end of the ECHO bike cals and be ready to start again in two minutes.

Try to pair up with people using the same weight as you OR have an extra barbell or two in your lane for other athletes. Have the quicker athletes start first Then have the second person in the same lane start once the first athlete is off the rower. This should allow for a 90-120 second head start.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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