Monday 3-13-23 Workout Of The Day
E2:30 – 6
3 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk (power or split)
Build to and though your 6 sets of the above complex. Quality movement is always priority over loading so make sure to look beautiful 🙂
“Sure Shot”
10 HSPU / Push Press
10 Ring Dips
10 Power Cleans
7/10 Kcal ECHO
RX: 95/135# (strict HSPU)
Intermediate: 85/115#
Beginner: 65/95#
Short and fast, Pick a movement you can perform your HSPU or push press in 1-2 sets (ideally 1) dips in 1-2 sets power cleans should be touch and go for the first 5-6 reps and push the pace on the bike. This is a no holds barred finisher so THINK FAST BE FAST!