Happy Monday everyone. I hope everyone had an awesome weekend. It was hot and sunny and I think Sunday was the windiest day we’ve ever had out at the gym.
If you’re coming in for weightlifting make sure to come in a little earlier and warm up as the strength cycle takes a little longer than an hour. If you can only make it for 6:30 the warmups will be short and quick as there’s a lot of work to do.
See you at the bar!
Monday 4-30-18 Workout Of The Day
3 Rounds Of
10 BB OH Walking Lunges
10 Strict C2B Pull Ups / Pull Ups
*Fitness option use kettlebells in the front rack position for lunges.
Max squat clean thrusters 65/95#
Double bell clean & thruster 30/40#
* For both movements every 30 seconds perform 2 bar over (or bell over) burpees.
Back squat 3 x 5 @ 80%
Front squat 3×3@ 80%
5 Sets of…
5-8 strict T2B followed immediately by 30sec-1 min plank on forearms. Rest 1.5 min – 2 min between rounds.