Monday 5-15-22 Workout Of The Day

Monday 5-15-22 Workout Of The Day

“Shark Bait”
35/50 Kcal Row
40 Alternating DB Snatches
30 Single DB Step Overs
20 Single DB Thrusters (10/arm)
10 Bar Muscle Ups, C2B Pull Ups, Pull Ups

DB Weight
RX: 35/50#
Intemediate: 30/40#
Beginner: 25/35#

Today’s chipper is three rounds for time. Find weights and methods you can perform the following in…
-Snatches in three sets or less
-No more than one break on the step overs
-Thrusters in 1-2 sets (switch every 5 reps recommended)
-Muscle Ups / Pull Ups in 1-3 sets

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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