Monday 5-30-22 Workout Of The Day

Monday 5-30-22 Workout Of The Day

Happy Birthday coach Corina! Today’s workout is a birthday workout created for Corina from coach Nick. We’ll see if they’re still together after the workout 🤔

Have an awesome 22nd birthday Corina and and enjoy the 1100 birthday reps you’re about to do!

In a teams of 2…
2000m ski buy in
5 rounds:
22 Hang Power Cleans
22 Synchro Dubs
22 Box Jump Overs
22 Synchro Dubs
22 C2B / Pull Ups
22 Synchro Dubs
22 BB OH walking lunges
22 Synchro Dubs
22 Bar Facing Burpees
22 Synchro Dubs
1000m Ski Cash Out

Rx: 65/95#
Intermediate: 55/75#
Beginner: 45/55# +/-

This is a long chipper workout but the reps are relatively low and can be broken up into two sets of 11 or four sets of 6,6,5,5 alternating working partners. Synchro dubs can be done as single skips or toe taps if needed.

Have fun and enjoy the fact that Corina is 22 and not 52 😁

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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