Monday 6-13-22 Workout Of The Day

Monday 6-13-22 Workout Of The Day

3 Rounds Of…
4:00 Work 2:00 Rest
10/12 Kcal Ski
8 Front Squats
8 C2B Pull Ups

Keep track of rounds and pick up where you left off after each break.

*4:00 rest between A & B

3 Rounds Of…
4:00 Work 2:00 Rest
10/12kcal ECHO
8 S2OH
6 Bar Facing Burpees

Keep track of rounds and pick up where you left off after each break.

RX: 85/115#
Intermediate: 65/95#
Beginner: 55/75# +/-

Today’s workout consists of two parts. Each part will be four minutes of work and two minutes of rest. Intensity SHOULD be higher than if you were to do a 12 minute piece solo. Make sure you pace yourself accordingly and make those transitions QUICK!!! Kettlebells can be used if you don’t have an ideal front rack position.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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