Monday 7-01-24 Workout Of The Day

Monday 7-01-24 Workout Of The Day

In teams of two…

1 Mile run

Directly into

600m Loaded carry (Dbl. KB’s @ 35/50#)
Directly into

10 Rounds of…
10 KB Snatches & 10 single bell front squats (alternate working rounds @ 5 each)

Directly into 

10 Rounds of…
10 KBS & 10 T2B / HLR / Anchored sit ups (alternate working rounds @ 5 each)

Directly into

1 Mile run

HAPPY CANADA DAY EVERYONE!!! Today’s workout will be a team effort. Chip away at the above workout in teams of two or three and GET IT DONE! Exercises can be modified as needed to challenge each participant appropriately 🙂 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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