Monday 8-05-24 Workout Of The Day

Monday 8-05-24 Workout Of The Day

Happy August long everyone!

In teams of two… or three…

“Wesley Crusher”
1 Mile Run
40 Squat Cleans 110/155#~
50 Power Cleans 125/185#~
60 Deadlifts 155/225#~
1 Mile Run

Today’s workout is a little on the heavy side. Choose weights you could do a minimum of three touch and go squat cleans with, three power cleans and 5+ deadlifts with. Your weights will be going up for each exercise so share a bar with your partner if you’re going to hit it together OR have separate bars with your working weights nearby for your transitions. The heaviest recommended loading is posted but use the above guidelines to select your weights for the workout.


people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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