Saturday 01-06-24 Workout Of The Day

Saturday 01-06-24 Workout Of The Day

“Hostile Takeover”
4 Rounds of…
6:00 work 3:00 rest
3 Power Cleans
5/7 Kcal ECHO
7 Box jump overs
9 T2B / HLR

RX: 110/155#
Int: 95/135#
Beg: 65/95# +/-

Today’s workout is a partner workout BUT you won’t really be working with your partner, you’ll be chasing them. Person two begins the workout once person one gets off the ECHO bike. If you get passed in the workout (or lapped), perform ten burpees before carrying on. After the three minutes of rest, start back at the beginning with person 2 starting the round. 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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