Saturday 02-03-24 Workout Of The Day
In teams of two…
“No, You Go”
AMRAP – 12
Max Power Cleans (0:00-6:00)
Max Kcal ECHO (6:01-12:00)
Rest 3 min
AMRAP – 12
Max Strict HSPU / HSPU / Pike push-up / Strict press (0:00-6:00)
Max Kcal Ski (06:01-12:00)
Rest 3 min
AMRAP – 12
Max Front Squats (0:00-6:00)
Max Kcal C2 (06:01-12:00)
BB Power Cleans & Front Squats
RX: 125/185#
Int: 95/135#
Beg: 65/95#
Today’s workout is a partner workout with three 12 minute AMRAP’s. Choose a challenging weight for your power cleans and front squats. Strict press weight should be challenging with a goal rep range of 6-8 reps with fresh. With only one person working collect as many reps and kcal’s as possible in both parts of the 12 min AMRAP (6&6 minutes) scored separately
Keep count of your reps and your calories and keep those transitions quick and seamless.