Saturday 05-23-20 Starke HomeFit

Saturday 05-23-20

Gym News: Well maybe you’ve heard some awesome news that Gyms will be able to open up starting June 1st. We’ve got some procedures to get in place and will continue over the next 10 days getting the gym ready for a safe reopening for memebrs and staff. We’ve started putting everything down that we’ll be implementing for everyones safety and instead of putting out multiple emails we would rather do it in one. We will continue to run Zoom classes for the following week and drop down to possibly one class a day as we open up the schedule for classes in the gym. In the email we’ll add a survey for class times members would likely attend. We won’t be jumping into the old schedule right off the bat and will have to allow time for cleaning and sanitization between classes so that will need to be taken into account and make sure we don’t have too many people in the gym at the same time.

We know that not everyone has been training consistently so we’ll be taking it easier for the first several weeks back.

We’ll try and answer as many questions as possible with the outgoing email so if anything stands out, please let us know.

Have a great weekend everyone and we look forwartd to seeing you REAL SOON!!!

The Starke Team

“Road Runner”
200m Run
5 C2B Pull-Ups (or 10 renegade rows)
10 Thrusters 65/95#
15 Hand Release Push-Ups (HRPU)
20 Alternating Back Lunges

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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