Saturday 06/10/2023 Workout Of the Day

Saturday 06/10/2023 Workout Of the Day

For time w/ a running clock:
1 mile run
50 power cleans @85/115#
50 wallballs @14/20#
50 back rack lunges @85/115#
50 single DB hang C&J @35/50#
50 floor press @85/115#
50 single DB step overs @35/50# & 20/24″

Workout Notes: Today’s workout is a solo effort! Start with a 1 mile run, then chip away at the rest of your work. Rest as needed; try to choose weights you can do sets of 10 for most movements.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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