Saturday 07-18-2020 Workout Of the Day

Get as far as possible in 40 minutes…

3 rounds: 
20 DB snatch @35/50#
20 box jumps @20/24″
20 wallballs @14/20#

rest 3:00

300m run
30 power cleans @65/95#
30 bar facing burpees

rest 3:00

3 rounds:
20 sng DB hang C&J @35/50#
20 box jumps @20/24″
20 wallballs @14/20#

rest 3:00

30 bar facing burpees
30 power clean @95/135#
300m run

Workout Notes/Intentions: This is another long Saturday sweat! After a short warmup, the clock will run for 40 minutes and you will chip away at this workout, getting as much work done in that time frame as possible. If you want to share the work with a partner, you may do so! If you make it to the final portion of the workout, the weight goes up from the first time you did it. Try to keep moving and have fun!