Saturday 08/05/2023 Workout Of the Day
A. 8 min AMRAP
1000m ski
max dbl DB devil’s press
-rest 4 minutes-
B. 8 min AMRAP
2000m C2 bike
max burpee pullups
-rest 4 minutes-
C. 8 min AMRAP
2 mile ECHO bike
max dbl DB front rack step overs
RX: 30/40#
Int: 25/35#
Beg: 15/25#
Workout Notes: We have 3 x 8 minute AMRAPs, with 4 minutes of rest between. Each has a buy-in, followed by a single movement. After completing the buy-in bike or ski, you will accumulate max reps of the indicated exercise. Score for each portion are the reps you get. Stagger the order to allow all athletes to use all 3 machines.