Saturday 1-29-22

AMRAP – 30
You go I go…
3 Wall Walks
6 Power Cleans
9 Pull-Ups

RX: 110/155# & C2B
Intermediate: 65/95# Pull-Ups
Beginner: 55/75# Pull Ups, Banded Pull Ups, Ring Rows

Today’s partner workout is a “you go, I go” style workout.
-Hit your three wall walks (coaches will demo and modify as needed), Push ups may also be substituted for those who need to…
-Your cleans should at least be four unbroken reps (since you’re coming off “rest” each round).
-Pull Ups should be done in maximum two sets.

As soon as you complete your pull ups and your feet hit the ground, your partner should be starting their wall walks for the next set.

These rounds are short and everyone should be doing their wall walks on the turf and have a box there for your resting partner.

Move well and move fast… 🙂