Saturday 10-02-2021 Workout Of the Day

Saturday 10-02-2021 Workout Of the Day

For Time in Teams of 2…
300m run
100 dbl DB C&J’s @35/50#
300m run
100 pullups
300m run
100 single DB devil’s press @35/50#
300m run
100 cals
100 dbl DB front rack lunges @35/50#
300m run
100 burpees

Workout Notes/Intentions: Today’s WOD is a long chipper in teams of 2. It begins with a run, and finishes with burpees. The 300m run’s between each movement are to be done together. DB C&J’s are double bell and from the ground. The lunges are also double DB and should be front rack. The devils press are single dumbbell. Split the work however you like. Have fun!

people working out in a group fitness class


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