Saturday 10-15-22 Workout Of The Day
For Time…
“Teabag Toss”
3 Rounds of…
10 Overhead Squats
15 Ring Dips
Rest 3 min
4 Rounds of…
10 Front Squats
15 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 3 min
5 Rounds of…
10 Back Squats
15 Box Jumps
Men: 115/135/155
Women: 85/95/110
Men: 95/115/135
Women: 65/85/95
Men: 55/75/95 +/-
Women: 45/55/65 +/-
Todays workout is three separate workouts that increase by one round each couplet and the squat movement changes along with the weight increasing. Pick movements and modifications that will challenge you and allow you to move consistently through the workout. The weight you choose for squats should allow you to go unbroken.