Starke Christmas Party
Hey Everyone,
Saturday evening is our holiday party at Starke. Were looking forward to hosting a party for our awesome members and want you to bring friends or family members to join in the fun.
Here’s the rundown on how the evening will go.
6:30pm Meet at Kimberly hill for some toboganing. BYOT or whatever you want to slide down on (could even be your ass). I just spent the whole evening running water on the hill to make sure it’s nice and icy for us. We plan on being there until about 8pm then head back to Starke for some games.
8pm… Ish… We will be back at Starke before 8:30pm. I’ll throw up a post on IG and FB saying we’re back so if you just want to come for the food & fun you’re welcome to do that. Bring something potluckish to share (no it doesn’t have to be healthy), some indoor shoes, and any special drinks you might want to consume.
If you have any questions shoot me an email at as I’ll be checking throughout the day. Looking forward to having everyone out!
Saturday 12-16-17 Workout Of The Day
For Time 100 Double Under Buy In
Then 21-15-9
Power Cleans @ 110/155# or Double Bell Cleans 40/60#
HSPU / Pike Push Ups
Rest Exactly 3 Minutes
Row For Kcal
Over The Rower Burpees
100 DU Cash out
Post final time including the break as your score