Saturday 2-12-22 Workout Of The Day

Saturday 2-12-22 Workout Of The Day

In teams of two…
“Death Race” (Time Cap 45)

100 BB Thrusters
100 C2B Pull-Ups
100 Kcal ECHO

Rest 2 minutes

100 Burpee Box Jump Overs
100 T2B / HLR
150 Kcal Ski

Rest 2 minutes

100 BB Squat Jumps
100 Dips
200 Kcal Row

Today’s workout is a death race to the 45 minute time cap. With only one person working at a time get your movements done as quick as possible and take you two minute rest before getting back to work.

RX: 65/95#
Intermediate: 55/75#
Beginnner: 35/45#

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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